samedi 18 août 2007


Splinter Cell Double Agent : Jusqu’oщ кtes-vous Page Rankingкts а aller pour protйger votre couverture ?

Infiltrez une organisation terroriste et intervenez sur les points chauds du globe, de l’Asie а l’Afrique jusqu’au coeur mкme des Etats-Unis : vivez et travaillez parmi les 13 terroristes les plus recherchйs de la planиte dans leur QG amйricain.

La NSA et les terroristes vous demanderont d’accomplir des missions. Vos choix dйtermineront le cours de l’histoire et feront йvoluer Splinter Cell Double Agent, jusqu’aux diffйrents dйnouements possibles …

Dans Splinter Cell Double Agent, servez-vous des techniques de pointe utilisйes par de vrais agents doubles et maоtrisez les derniers gadgets inventйs spйcialement pour la NSA.

1. Unpack the release with WinRAR or equivalent
2. Mount with Daemon Tools 4.06 (SPTD 1.35)
3. Install Game
4. Run YASU tool incl. with this rls.
5. Play

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Viper Racing

Unmatched realism and very impressive graphics make this a sure winner.

This lets you drive the Dodge Viper in a series of races. Firstly I would like to say that I have never before played a racing game that was as realistic as this one. Viper racing is nothing less than a high-speed driving simulator. While it was annoying when the car started fishtailing whenever I made the slightest mistake (Which was my fault, to be honest), the physics of the game just blew me away. For those that want to drive in more of an arcade-style game, Viper racing offers the option of reducing the realism for a less realistic but easier to control NFS-III kind of feel.

Viper racing features "Drive anywhere" technology, which gives the player the option of taking the Viper off-road. While I'm sure that many genuine Viper owners would shudder at the thought, I found it a cool diversion which I don't remember many driving games offering.

The graphics in Viper racing are impressive, with the cars beautifully rendered and lifelike. Damage and dents from fender benders and more serious accidents with other Vipers are very real-looking, and after a few knocks your shiny Viper can look pretty beat-up!

Speaking of shiny, the game features a "Paintshop" which allows you to repaint your Viper any color you wish, as well as add all sorts of decals and stckers to it (Please take note in the screenshots of my tastefully painted purple Viper, with the smiley faces on the doors

Rar pass: SOFTARCHiVE.NET: sage.peachtree.quantum.2008, progecad.2007.professional.v7.0.21, photo.collage.maker.v1.31,, motionartist.v4.1, algor.pipe.pack.v10.sp3, i-sound wma pm3 recorder pro v6.72, avg anti-virus p

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Pacific Storm

Pacific Storm
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War World

War World

The sun somewhere shines, grass greens and the waves of boundless oceans splash. In this peace eternal war goes on. In this peace tens of enormous combat robots converge in the infinite battles and pours on the friend of friend by lead, they shoot from the lasers, they sprinkle by bombs and start the homing rockets. In this peace the firepower and the thickness of armor solves everything. In this peace it does not be sufficient only you! Select mechano-IDA, equip by its weapon to your discretion and, after fastening belts, leave for the battle, mashing enemy armor. Arena awaits its heroes! Special features of the game: Select one of three accessible robots and battle with tens of other steel monsters different types of weapon and equipment many improvements for the signal pistols, the machine guns, the lasers, it is shield The odnopol'zovatel'skaya campaign, which consists of 100 missions of 8 regimes of game for singl- and mul'tipleyera the possibility of multi-user game both on the local network, and on the Internet.

Special features of the game: Select one of three accessible robots and battle with tens of other steel monsters different types of weapon and equipment many improvements for the signal pistols, the machine guns, the lasers, it is shield The odnopol'zovatel'skaya campaign, which consists of 100 missions of 8 regimes of game for singl- and mul'tipleyera the possibility of multi-user game both on the local network, and on the Internet

Here !


Cricket 2007

Cricket 2007
-- For our Indian Visitors --

Thanks to the groundbreaking EA Sports Century Stick control system, batting has become more intuitive, responsive and rewarding than ever. For the first time in a cricket game, players can enjoy full control over foot choice, shot, direction, power and timing.

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Neverwinter Nights 2 (Forgotten Realms)

NeverWinter Nights 2! A must have for all RPG (role-playing game) PC gamers. You'd better have some balls in your computer system to play this game!

Release date: 10/31/2006
Role Playing Game - PC
Developer Obsidian Entertainment
47 piece RAR - totaling 4.30 gigabytes
A Dungeons & Dragons adventure game without all the dice rolling. Neverwinter Nights 2 continues it's award winning series with an even deeper and more engrossing storyline, tremendously immersive character development, stunning graphics, and, an expansive multiplayer experience. The player's journey not only expands their personal power, but also their political power, as he rises through the ranks of Neverwinter society and can even becomes a lesser noble of Neverwinter Cities are alive in the game, teeming with the life of children play through the street, farmers lead their animals around, and passersby walk on their mysterious business. In addition, frequented locations change rather dramatically between chapters. Past the campaign included with the game itself, Neverwinter Nights 2 also gives you all the tools you need to build your own modules, campaigns, and adventures.

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47 RAR files totaling - 4.30 gigabytes

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-=Blitzkrieg 2_Fall of the Reich=-


Blitzkrieg 2: Fall of the Reich covers three major offensives from the final days of fighting on the Eastern front. With Germany holding strategic cities in a bid to protect the Fatherland, and the Red Army relentlessly driving towards Berlin, the Spring of '45 saw some of the most vicious battles of the entire war.

Fall of the Reich features two campaigns (one German, one Soviet) that focus on offensives in the long Siege of Budapest, the incredible tenacity of Axis forces in holding "Fortress" Kurland and the Soviet Operation Bagration that freed Byelorussia and opened up the Eastern Europe to the Red Army. Eight new historically based missions, several new units and ten new maps (six single-player and four multiplayer) will keep players engrossed in some of the heaviest fighting of the last days of WWII.

by makmark from greece
32 rar x 48mb
01 rar x 32mb
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Tom Clancys Rainbow Six Vegas
((DVD 9))

System Requirements:
• Supported OS: Windows XP (only)
• Processor: P4 3Ghz or AMD equivalent
• RAM: 1024 Mb
• Video Card*: 128MB, Shader Model 3 and DirectX 9.0c compatible (see supported list*)
• Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c compatible
• DirectX Version: DirectX 9.0c
• Peripherals Supported Mouse, keyboard, headsets, Xbox360 Controller, etc.
• Multiplay: Local area network (LAN) and/or 128kbit Cable/DSL connection for online game

Download [5.4 GB

DIRT Origin of the Species

DIRT Origin of the Species

DIRT O rigin of the Species

Мinimum Requirement:
- Windows XP, 2000/98/ME
- 1 GHz Pentium 3/Athlon or 1.2 GHz Duron or Celeron Processor
- 64 MB DirectX 9 compatible Graphics card with hardware transform and lighting
- 256 MB RAM
- 1.5 Gig Hard Disk space
- Keyboard and Mouse
- DirectX 9.0

Download Here!

Splinter Cell-Pandora Tomorrow PC Rip

Splinter Cell-Pandora Tomorrow PC Rip
Compressed To 280 mb

Splinter Cell-Pandora Tomorrow PC Rip

Splinter Cell-Pandora Tomorrow PC Rip

Splinter Cell-Pandora Tomorrow PC Rip

Splinter Cell-Pandora Tomorrow PC Rip Download Part1 100.0 MB

Splinter Cell-Pandora Tomorrow PC Rip Download Part2 100.0 MB

Splinter Cell-Pandora Tomorrow PC Rip Download Part3 80 MB

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